
Games We Don’t Play

I try to keep my bookshelves relatively clean. As such, I often go through gaming book purges, selling in order to keep more. But just because I may not play a game it doesn’t mean the book can’t be useful.

I don’t tend to live in once place very long. I change neighborhoods often and move states from time to time. As such, I’ve found it prudent to keep my overall amount of media somewhat lean and use upcoming moves to purge excess cruft from my shelves. This includes my gaming library. The first books I look at are for the games I don’t play (or include in my writing). Then I re-examine and note which gaming books aren’t “gathering dust.”

There are gaming books that provide inspiration for the games I do play and books that excel as topic references. Some of the books I’ve kept for references include the Palladium Weapon Series and a large number of Steve Jackson Games GURPS 3rd edition source books on my shelf as references. I still have some today and re-purchased many digitally. Other books, like DeadlandsNight’s Black Agents, and Traveller may not be played again, but stay on my shelf as idea generators. I can scan through those books and branch off into numerous new adventure ideas for western, horror, and space games. There are RPGs I’ve backed on Kickstarter with the knowledge their primary use will be as inspiration.

Some people keep all their game books and amass a collection like a dragon’s hoard. I’ve never been one to be emotionally attached or nostalgic about an object, and given my proclivity for changing my dwelling every few years have to keep my bookshelf relatively light. But if you’re planning on cleaning your gaming library, consider that even if you don’t play the game, you might still use the books.