
iHunt: The Poseurs

You’ll never live like common people
You’ll never do whatever common people do
You’ll never fail like common people
You’ll never watch your life slide out of view
And you dance and drink and screw
Because there’s nothing else to do

“Common People” by Pulp (1995)

iHunt: The Poseurs
Header Image Credits: Kayla Stock 1 by Kalaschi and Downtown Chicago Streets at Night by Brennan Anderson

Money? You’ve got it (or your family does). And you’re not out to save the world or discover its hidden depths. You don’t need to be a hunter, you’re doing it because it’s fun right now. You’re taking a vacation in the slums.

Sure, others may call you a “poseur,” “trustafarian,” or worse but they rarely push you away from the table even if you had been disguising your past. After all, you’ll always have access to the good toys. But you know as well as they do that once you’re bored you’ll move on to the next thing.

“This iHunt app is such a rush. It’s even more exhilarating than the hunting safari I took in Africa two years ago where I took down a lion with just a pistol.”
-Blair Albrecht

Author’s Note…

The idea of playing someone with financial means explicitly goes against some of the core themes in iHunt. Poseurs should be rare in this world and their presence in a game should and will introduce inter-party conflict. Poseurs are best recommended as temporary characters or NPCs, rather than long-term player characters in a campaign. Bringing Poseurs into a game should highlight the disparity of wealth and how being born into affluence may affect one’s personality an thinking.

At Your Best…

You don’t hide the fact that you have money and you’re not stingy with it when working with others. You might not give any personal loans, but when the group needs a little extra something to take down a monster you’re the BANKROLLER.

Your family has a history of hunting for sport. You’ve been on countless safaris around the world and your arsenal is almost an extension of you. You’re a SHOOTER and this new prey is the best game yet.

Sure, your CEO mother works alongside monsters, what corporate executive doesn’t? But not all monsters work together and some of them are making things difficult for your family and their allies. They can’t be seen getting their hands dirty, so you’re the INSIDER. You have the information and wherewithal to get the other hunters close to the marks that can elevate your family’s finances.

Growing Up…

Your parents had money and their own interests and that meant you had few rules or limitations. At first your daredevil attitude was a way to seek attention, but then you became an adrenaline junkie, just looking for the next brush with danger.

When your parents came home from work swearing about “those fucking monsters,” you thought they were being metaphorical. As you came of age, you learned the truth from them. Monsters were real and they were in business. They taught you that humans were meant to rule this planet, nothing else.

Faith and fortune go hand in hand. Sure, your family has had money going back generations, but you’re self-made. After receiving a small loan from your parents you put that money to work for you and, by the grace of God, have long since paid it back. You’re a devout Christian who supports the hustle culture–finally, people are pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. You’re down there with them, speaking the Word and keeping your own pockets lined.

At Your Worst…

You’re out if shit gets too real. Danger doesn’t scare you, until there’s too much danger. No matter the reason you started hunting, you’ll quit once it’s no longer fun. And you won’t hesitate to leave in the middle of a job.

Everyone is beneath you. No matter how you act on the outside, you know you’re slumming it. Some of these plebeians may be skilled, but they’d never survive corporate culture. You’re careful not to let your mask slip and show how much you actually disdain the hunters almost as much as the monsters.

This is a party! You might die doing it, but that’s part of the fun. So long as your family doesn’t find out, you’re going to keep hunting because there’s nothing else that gives you the adrenaline rush. There’s almost always a smile in your eyes as you plan the next kill.


The real deadliest game; I want to kill one of each.

They’re getting in the way of business. Some of them may be stopping delivery routes or customers while others are stopping mergers.

There are some advantages in life that one can only get by working with monsters, killing monsters, or harvesting monster parts. I’ll find every advantage I can that’ll increase my personal wealth and power.

Working With Others

You can afford the good tech and a PHOOEY will always ask to “borrow” your equipment. Let them; 8 out of 10 times they’ll improve it.

THE 66 are either going to be the best people to party with or the biggest annoyances in your dalliance as a hunter. If they find out you’re moneyed expect constant lectures and being asked for charity money. Be it for a bash or their neighborhood, they can drain a pocket-book like no other.

KNIGHTS are beasts one step up from monsters. In some ways they can be a little terrifying to watch but they’re also the best people to surround yourself with and keep equipped.

No matter what type of business you’re in, you know the value of a good information broker. In this world that’s an EVILEENA. But, just like any other IB, they can babble on far too long about that info when you just need the highlights.