
DFRPG The Mark of Madness (4 of 6): PCs Jada and Zion

Two of the full player character write-ups for my Dresden Files RPG adventure, The Mark of Madness. I ran this adventure at GenCon 2014. In this post, Jada Taft (Female, Valkyrie)and Zion Cross (Male, White Court Vampire).

Jada Taft

Jada Taft (image sourced from Strange Days movie, actress Angela Bassett)

Age: 37
Template: Valkyrie (from DFRPG Resources)
High Concept: Limo Driver, Bodyguard, Valkyrie
Trouble: Duty Above All


Jada Taft is the reborn spirit of Skalmöd; for while the body of a Valkyrie is mortal (though usually very hard to kill), their spirit shall always be reborn. Jada was born in Copenhagen, Norway with the faith and seeds of knowledge from the spirit of Skalmöd. Even in her Christian household, she held tight to the Old Norse ways and traditions, though she wasn’t quite sure why. But she knew such self-doubts about her faith should be vanquished.

Aspect: Faith And Honour
Example Invoke: Be courageous, and uphold the Code of Honour of your faith; know the myths and legends of your faith and culture
Example Consequence: Encounter fellow worshippers in danger or facing prejudice; Stay true to your faith when required by nobles or allies to do otherwise

Rising Conflict

After graduating from upper secondary school, Jada was hired and trained by Monoc Securities and her true heritage was revealed to her. That knowledge brought clarity and purpose and the valkyrie reveled in the challenges and assignments before her. Her demeanor, whether in pleasure or pain was always stoic, however–she was always so focused on whatever her current duty might be.

Aspect: Taciturn
Example Invoke: Hide your intentions or feelings
Example Consequence: Inhibit attempts at socialising

First Story: Fastr

Jada was assigned to bodyguard and drive Axel Dahl from Copenhagen to Oslo. The CEO was notoriously paranoid that his death would be the end of his company and that his competitors wanted him dead. In this case, his paranoia was well-founded and correct. Jada managed to protect her client through three different attempts on the CEO’s life without ever needing to leave the car on the five and a half hour drive (normally a seven hour drive).

Aspect: Bad-ass Driver
Example Invoke: Perform aggresive driving maneuvers; gain bonuses to driving stunts
Example Consequence: Have your other skills overlooked by allies and employers; Have allies make you wait in/by the car

Initial Team-Up: Kappi

Guest Star: Malcolm Baird

Jada’s first assignment in America happened to be in Detroit of all places. A changeling by the name of Malcolm Baird had managed to obtain enough resources to hire a bodyguard from Monoc Securities. The potential threat? Pixies. The client? A child–rather, a man in a child’s body. As it turns out, the threat was real, and caused largely because Malcolm’s goal was to kill one of the pixies in questions. The Valkyrie put down wave after wave of the diminutive fae, even as the cold and greedy changling was distracted by fairy-gold. But, clients are clients, and duty is duty. Malcolm was protected and suffered no harm under her watch.

Aspect: Relentless
Example Invoke: Achieve (or endure) physical or spiritual feats through sheer determination and grit; intimidate and browbeat others with your intensity
Example Consequence: Offend someone with your stubbornness

Secondary Team-Up: Félagi

Guest Star: Zion Cross

It seems that wizards and their ilk are not welcome in Detroit. The White Council and its enforcers, the Wardens, have signed specific accords and have been largely banned from the city. Even less accepted are members of the so-called “Black Council.” When a dark wizard was spotted in the city House Skavis-Reid hired Monoc Securities to assist in investigations. The dark wizard was attempting to magically influence and recruit wildfae and those without strong ties to their supernatural “families.” The Major-Domo of House Skavis-Reid, Zion, used his influence without laying a finger on his wealth to allow both Jada and himself into the suites MGM Grand Detroit. Together they confronted the wizard–who decided to die in a fiery explosion of his own making before either of the pair could do anything. Jada pulled Zion from the flames, risking her own health. Between his calm demeanor and her stoic actions, the two formed a mutual respect.

Aspect: Abandon None
Example Invoke: Rescue friends and allies; get everyone out safely
Example Consequence: Make you go back for everyone you can; make you save an enemy from death

Jada’s Detroit

Jada has only been to Detroit twice before. She has memorized most of the road maps, but has only a passing practical knowledge of the area. She doesn’t like what she’s seen of the city thusfar, but it is not her place to judge. That doesn’t stop her from judging, but like most opinions, she keeps it to herself. She was hired by the Winter Lady to assist in an investigation within the city, multiple supernatural factions will be represented in this investigatory group and should any member of the group attempt to betray the others, or if one of them is actually be behind a madness affecting citizens both mortal and supernatural, then Jada should subdue (but not neccessarily kill) the betrayer.

Jada has been provided with an armored Chrysler 300 “stretch” limousine to better escort (and keep track of) the group. Along with her enchanted sword and lariat, she also has been provided with two Glock 9mm pistols, a FAMAS bullpup assault rifle, and a kevlar vest (Armor:1).

Base Refresh: 8

Total Refresh: 1


Superb: Lore, Driving
Great: Alertness, Weapons
Good: Endurance, Might
Fair: Athletics, Fight
Average: Discipline, Guns

Powers & Stunts [-7]

-1 Stunt: Been There
Driving is never negatively modified due to unfamiliarity with the area
-1 Marked By Power
Whenever dealing with someone in the magical community all social skills receive a +1 bonus
-2 Ritual (Crafting)
-2 Supernatural Sense (Strange Sense)
Use Lore to detect who is fated to die, track your fated foes (generally monsters associated with the Norse and similar mythoi), sense disruptions in fate, etc.
-1 Inhuman Toughness
Catch: True Magic [+1]
+1 Armor
+2 Boxes of Physical Stress

Enchanted Items

Sword of Invisibility
Description: A sword enchanted so that its creator can turn it invisible with a mental command.
Effect: Item is hidden by a +3 veil a duration of 3 exchanges.
Unicorn Hair Lariat
Description: A rope of unicorn hair that will wrap itself around anyone that its creator throws it at.
Effect: Maneuver to place GRAPPLED Aspect on target within sight. Maneuver roll at +5.

Stress Tracks

Physical 000000, Armor 2
Mental 000
Social 00

Zion Cross

Zion Cross (image found on Pintrest, source unknown)

Age: 60 (looks mid-30’s)
Template: White Court Vampire
High Concept: Major-Domo of House Skavis-Reid
Trouble: Loyal to a Fault


Zion was born in 1954 to Grace Cross, human head housekeeper at the time to House Skavis-Reid, a branch of the Skavis household (the “Reid” addition being purely a political maneuver at the time). The identity of his father was kept secret, but Zion was born to the White Court. Zion was raised and educated well, with the expectation that he would continue serving the household as butler. The household’s finances weathered through the ’67 riots (his mother had passed naturally by then). However, like many the house experienced financial shortcomings in the 70s that forced them to move to a smaller Grosse Pointe estate.

Aspect: Good Breeding
Example Invoke: Ingratiate yourself with the upper crust or supernatural leaders
Example Consequence: You don’t fit in well with the lower class

Rising Conflict

Wealthy, but not as rich as before House Skavis-Reid working to reclaim their lost fortunes when the Hunger arose in Zion. Despair was already becoming an easy meal in Detroit, and Zion gorged himself. By the 80s, both the wallets and emotional appetites of the house were well-satisfied. Zion did not miss his humanity much, not when there was such finer, and longer-lasting life.

Aspect: Platinum Card, Unlimited Credit
Example Invoke: Have the neccessary monetary resources for any purchase that takes credit
Example Consequence: Be responsible for the purchases of others; have to deal with creditors when payment is due

First Story: Never Fully Dressed

In keeping with the appearance of his household, Zion (always a bit of a clothes horse) maintains a dignified wardrobe. It doesn’t hurt that he is handsome and could be charming, as well. One thing he rarely wore, however, was a smile–at least not one that reached his eyes. Perhaps that was part of the curse and one of the reasons his court fed on despair. It was easy to understand and relate to. In Detroit, it’s easy to remind someone to “never get your hopes up,” but at least he could look good doing it.

Aspect: Sharp-Dressed Man
Example Invoke: Get your way with charm, persuasion and looks
Example Consequence: Be subject to spiteful reactions of jealous husbands, boyfriends, etc.; Refuse to do something that might ruin your looks/suit

Initial Team-Up: Gonna Like it Here

Guest Star: Jada Taft

It took some collaboration between the fairy and vampire courts, but wizards and their ilk are not welcome in Detroit. The White Council and its enforcers, the Wardens, have signed specific accords and have been largely banned from the city. Even less accepted are members of the so-called “Black Council.” When a dark wizard was spotted in the city House Skavis-Reid hired Monoc Securities to assist in investigations and were assigned a Valkyrie by the name of Jada Taft. The dark wizard was attempting to magically influence and recruit wildfae and those without strong ties to their supernatural “families.” Zion, having been elevated to the position of major-domo, was able to gain access to the suites of the MGM Detroit simply through the influence of his status, without reaching for his wallet. Together Zion and Jada confronted the wizard–who decided to die in a firely explosion of his own making before either of the pair could do anything. Zion was thrown into the room, unable to exit until Jada pulled Zion from the flames, risking her own health. Between his calm demeanor and her stoic actions, the two formed a mutual respect.

Aspect: Always on the List
Example Invoke: Access the most exclusive clubs and events
Example Consequence: Get in over your head with your access (moochers, groupies, etc)

Secondary Team-Up: New Deal

Guest Star: Donny Brooks

When the Red Court suddenly vanished from the face of the earth, the already weakened House Skavis and Black Courts formed stronger truces… While also vying for the former Court’s territory, including the late-night dance club, Centaur. Zion entered the club to simploy purchase it outright, when he noticed a Black Court vampire (Donny Brooks). A stare-down between the two vampires was broken when a group out of Chicago called the Ordo Lebes started to put a ward around the place. Both vampires were forced to abandon the club and escape a mob of practitioners, flames, and stakes. Unamused but nonplussed, Zion hid with Donny while the other vampire used droll, morbid humor to pass the time as they hid. In the end, neither vampire made a new friend that day… but Zion didn’t find the other vampire to be an enemy, either.

Aspect: Unflappable
Example Invoke: Keep your wits about you in a crisis
Example Consequence: Not realize how dangerous a situation might be

Zion’s Detroit

Though the title of major-domo is ostensibly a servile position, the level of respect and responsibility afforded to Zion ensure that he is as much a part of the Skavis-Reid family as Letty and Julius, the eldest children of Lord Stefan and Lady Eva. Zion manages the household, helps oversee the finances, and assists Lord Stefan as needed in rule and aquisition within the city.

Zion is aware of all the main factions within Detroit. Notably there are the Black Court vampires (growing and as hungry for the abandoned domains of the Red Court as the White Court is), the Winterfae (who maintain a strong presence even in the height of summer), and the creeping threat of the Formor (who have recently become bolder and have decided to become bigger players in the game). Of course, there’s also the Rat King and his wererat family (they scrounge and squabble with other gangs to sell drugs and run guns), the Dark Carnival (sorcerers and clowns who can’t decide if they want to build the city or tear it down), and wildfae (the Nain Rouge runs a curious posse who vie for magical scraps).

Twelve days ago Letty Skavis-Reid, daughter and eldest of the Lord and Lady Sakvis-Reid, left the house unannounced, without retinue or driver. When she returned the next day, her mind was addled. She seemed to be able to maintain her day-to-day habits, but would only speak the same phrase of “fit to be square.” The inflections might vary, but the words never changed. Deeper probing only seems to increase her intensity to use the phrase.

Other rumors began to trickle into the household, indicating that this sudden phenomenon of addled behavior was not singluar to Letty. Lord Stefan was set to blame the Winterfae when it was reported that one of their own also appeared to suffer. Mab and Stefan both decided that it was in the best interest to form a party of all the supernatural factions to investigate further. If the responsible faction was part of the group, then there would be at least some leverage (however large or small) to seek both the means of a cure and revenge.

Mab sent the Winter Lady to organize (but not investigate), while Zion would represent (and potentially lead) the “ground crew.”

Base Refresh: 8

Total Refresh: 1


Great: Deceit, Presence, Resources
Good: Discipline, Intimidation, Performance
Fair: Driving, Guns, Lore
Average: Empathy, Scholarship, Stealth

Powers & Stunts [-7]

-1 Emotional Vampire (Despair) [pg 189]
0 Human Guise
-1 Incite Emotion (Despair, Touch Only)
+2 Deceit to incite emotion, victim defends with Discipline
+1 Feeding Dependency (Emotion: Despair)
When using any supernatural powers (listed below) in a scene, add to your Hunger stress track and roll against Discipline at the end of a scene (see pg 190 for details)
-2 Inhuman Speed
+4 Alertness for Initiative
+1 Atheletics
+2 Athletics when sprinting
Difficulty factors due to moving reduced by two when rolling Stealth
-2 Inhuman Recovery
Catch: Hope [+0]
Can recover from any physcical consequence (excluding extreme ones) with just time; out of combat you many recover from physical consequences as if they were one level lower in severity; consequences rduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of a subsequent scene
Endurance never resticts other skills due to a lack of rest
Once times per scene, in combat, you may clear away a mild physical consequence as a supplemental action
-2 Inhuman Strength
+3 Might when lifting or breaking inanimate things
+1 Might when grappling; also allows you to inflict a 3-stress hit on opponent as a supplemental action during a grapple
+1 Might when using might to modify another skill
+2 Damage with attacks that depend on muscular force

Stress Tracks

Physical 00
Mental 00
Social 0000