
Bag of Nails: Player Characters

The players in my Down Darker Trails campaign have all decided to continue playing with the pre-gens I originally created. With the possiblility of additional players coming to the table we all thought it might be good to present a few additional pre-gen options. This week’s post contains six new potential player characters as well as the existing PC options and all character sheets.

New Player Character Pre-Gens

The first eight player characters were, for the most part, residents of Virginia City, Montana in 1869. These six new characters are, for the most part, drifters and travellers. In a long-term campaign set primarily in a single area the challenge for GM and players is to determine a reason why the characters might not leave town—be it a sense of mystery, profit, or personal.

Note: I wasn’t able to complete the character sheets for these characters in time for the post, but I’ll add them retroactively before the end of the month.

Brennan MacBride

Image of Colin O’Donoghue from The Rite (2011)

Brennan is the youngest of five brothers born in Boston, Massachusetts to Irish immigrant parents. Religious, even as a child, the young MacBride eventually went to seminary school and became a Catholic priest. Even as a priest, Brennan was subject to the strong anti-Irish/anti-immigrant sentiment and he contemplated moving away, even if it would mean separation from his family. When his oldest brother was murdered for the “crime of being Irish” in 1865, Brennan knew he had to get away. Failing to convince his family to move with him, the priest became a missionary in his own country, focusing on discussing his faith with the Indians.

Serious and scholarly, Father MacBride is rarely one to bring levity to a conversation. Smiles rarely come easy, but he is far from dour or cold; the priest is more contemplative and sensitive. Knowing first-hand the dangers of bigotry and how his own religion is viewed, Brennan does not force Catholicism on those he ministers to. Instead, he engages in discussion about the lives of others and, when possible, gently suggests turning to Christ for guidance.

Character Sheet

Han Xue

Image of Jet Li from Once Upon a Time in China (1991)

Han Xue is the Chinese son of the traveling merchant Han Gui. He and his father made their living selling tobacco and alcohol to Chinese miners and railroad workers. Always one to seek out a profit, Han Xue’s father made sure his son learned English so they could sell their wares to the white foremen of the camps. Understanding the dangers of the world, Han Gui also passed the knowledge of Quanfa martial arts to his son. Two years ago, Han Gui passed away of natural causes. While it was not his passion, Han Xue continued to travel across the territories and work as a merchant.

Even though Han Xue is able to provide for himself as a merchant, he is constantly seeking another option that might be as sustainable but more fulfilling. The road and loss of his father have left him weary of travel. In conversations, Han Xue is respectful, but blunt. He is not one to haggle and sets his prices accordingly.

Character Sheet

Hazel Owens

Image from Ready for the Sunset by lindowyn-stock

Hazel was born in California to Gold Rush parents in late 1849. With the money earned from their small mine, the family was able to establish a cattle ranch and capitalize on the growing need for beef. As a baby Hazel grew up happy and care-free, surrounded by horses and cows. Due to flooding and other misfortunes in the early 1860’s, however, the Owens family lost most of their money and were forced to move to Oregon to simply survive with what little livestock they had. Despite the financial hardships, at the age of 15 Hazel realized how much she loved traveling and began to look for ways to provide for herself. At 17 she became a rider for a delivery service. Though the business was short-lived (as most were), Hazel was able to learn enough about salesmanship to strike out on her own and set up shop in Virginia City, Montana to act as a courier between the Montana towns and beyond.

The expresswoman is lively and often ribald. She moves fast in life and doesn’t see the need to move slowly when it comes to feelings, either. Hazel is quick to laugh, love, and anger. Despite her recklessness with emotions, her time riding horses and driving rapid carriages keeps her viewing the road three steps ahead. She may act impulsive, but Hazel will also make sure she’s not about to go off a cliff.

Character Sheet

Kathryn Plum

Image of Natalie Dormer from Picnic at Hanging Rock (2018)

Kathryn Plum was born into wealth from parents who had similarly inherited their money. The Plum family was old wealth even in London before they immigrated to New York in the 1600s. The socialite caused a stir on her 18th birthday when she announced her plans to travel westward and see the country before it all became a city. No arguments from her parents could change her mind, but she did concede to their wisdom in hiring a bodyguard. The young Miss Plum set out on her travels in early 1868 and has a desire to see more. After firing her first bodyguard for inappropriate advances she employed the Mexican gunman Maximo Gaspar to protect her person and belongings.

The rich greenhorn may be out of her element, but she’s shrewd enough to not act wide-eyed or innocent. Her intuition mostly keeps her out of danger. However, Kathryn will often ignore her instincts if it affords her a chance to learn or see something new and out of the ordinary. She will heed the counsel of her bodyguard, however, whom she’s come to trust.

Character Sheet

Maximo Gaspar

Image of Antonio Bandaras from And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself (2003)

In his early years in Maximo Gaspar was an outlaw gunfighter, preying on stagecoaches that traveled the U.S.-Mexico border. It was only a stroke of luck that allowed him to survive the massacre of his gang by lawmen—he was hung over in a stable when the showdown occurred. Still a wanted man, Maximo fled northward where he hired himself out as a bounty hunter and, when able, a bodyguard. He currently works as the latter, in service to Kathryn Plum who hired him in Iowa.

The gunslinger is level-headed and careful. He’s learned from his lucky break. Though fast on the draw, Maximo would rather intimidate his way out of trouble than actually draw iron. He’s seen enough death. If it comes down to him or another, though, the former outlaw will make sure he’s the one standing in the end.

Character Sheet

Monique François

Image of Tia Dalma from Pirates of the Carribean: On Stranger Tides (2011)

Before the Civil War began, Monique and her parents were helping slaves escape from their plantations in Louisiana. Her parents had fled Haiti in 1835 when their religion, Vodou, was declared illegal and punishable, they stowed away on a trading ship but did not find the new world any more hospitable. The couple took what comfort they could in each other. Shortly after, in 1837, Monique was born. Her parents died in 1860 while trying to free a small group of salves. Even after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, Monique spent two more years trying to rescue slaves from land-owners who still held people in servitude. Despite the Union control of the south in 1865 Monique François was still branded as a criminal and she fled to the northwest. She’s still on the run but she’s made a stop in Virginia City, Montana.

Monique François is a practitioner of Haitian Vodou and strongly follows its tenets of generosity in giving to the community and to the poor. She loves all who are good and kind and is free with her laughter. She is rarely violent directly, and prefers to escape or help others rescue people from danger while offering to the Loa to make those who burden others to suffer in turn.

Character Sheet

Previous Player Character Pre-Gens

The following characters were originally offered as pre-gens to players on a first-come, first-selected basis. Most pre-gens were already selected as PCs with only Charlotte, Julius, and Rose remaining. No text has changed from the original write-ups, but I have added links to download character sheets.

Doctor Hiram Blake

Image from Mike G by Neo Stockz

Hiram Blake became a young medical officer in London, England in the early 1850’s. It was during the Great Stink of 1858 that he saw inhuman things crawling from the water and dragging people in. Disbelieved, ridiculed, and anguished by what he saw, the doctor fled to New York City, but the crowded population and smells simply reminded him of his time in London. Hiram remained neutral during the “civil unrest” and helped those he could as he traveled ever westward, never settling in one place for more than two years. He has been in Virginia City for about six months and is beginning to calculate his next move, but is in no hurry quite yet.

The doctor has air of British superiority, but tempers it with a desire to heal and make things right. The doctor is often haunted and suffers from nightmares and poor sleep. In London and throughout his travels he has seen too many things he cannot comprehend and cannot share with the world for he would not be believed.

Character Sheet

Arlene Hunnell

Image from RED 4 by Faestock

Tired of being restricted to society reporting in Cincinnati, Arlene Hunnell took to the stagecoach to report on stories of the frontier and miners, submitting to various rural papers and as “A. Hunnell” via post and telegraph. When the Montana Post moved its headquarters from Virginia City to Helena, Arlene saw an opportunity to take over the building. She became the Alder Gulch correspondent for the paper and publishes a small editorial on the remaining press.

Arlene is hungry for the next story and seeks out what she calls “real news.” Courageous, almost recklessly so, Ms. Hunnell will chase a lead or sniff out a report in even the most dangerous of circumstances.

Character Sheet

Ellis Gentry

Image Ian (Stock) by Joicarey

Ellis has been a gambler all his life, first playing three card monte on the streets of New Orleans before traveling north on riverboats, paying his way from the profits of faro and poker. Mr. Gentry especially enjoys gambling in established mining towns, where he can play a fair game and win precious minerals, gemstones, or even claims (which he promptly sells). He’s currently made a stop in Virginia City while traveling to Nevada.

The gambler can’t resist a bet, but always acts calm and collected. Ellis will drink, but never too much to dull his senses. While the gentleman gambler carries a hold-out pistol, his first inclination in a fight is to put someone else in front of the danger.

Character Sheet

Rose Malone

Image from Wild Wild West by CathleenTarawhiti

Rose Malone is a con-woman and a grifter. While she has run fake charities and worked with snake oil salesmen, her favorite score is to play a romantic interest, gathering information and letting a male partner do the dirty work (and risk). She recently was working a mark, a miner who amassed a good amount of gold, by the name of Dan Brown and pointed her partner, Jake “Coyote” Whitton, to Mr. Brown’s stash. Unfortunately, Coyote was caught by Brown and a local vigilante and was subsequently hanged. It’s not the first partner Rose has lost, but now she must play the upstanding citizen while suspicions are still high, as Jake had confessed to having a partner.

Rose is normally very willing to use her feminine wiles to get her way, but is currently trying to establish herself as a beyond reproach. If questioned by any vigilantes, her current plan is to pretend to be Pinkerton on a case but that may mean aiding in justice when required to better employ her ruse.

Character Sheet

Red Dove

Image from Native American by Arya Poenya Stock

Half-Shoshone and half-Bannock, Haiwee goes by the name Red Dove. Her tribe was hired as scouts for the Union during the war and she gained a reputation as a tracker and hunter. Following the war, Red Dove chose to leave her tribe to travel with a soldier, Peter Carlisle, who sought gold. While the two were romantic, there was no illusion about their future together (or lack thereof). When Carlisle left Alder Gulch, Red Dove remained. She hires herself out to help hunters, as an escort to avoid Crow raiders, and when tracking is needed.

Red Dove is sharp and practical. She knows the world she now lives in is not her own and some may turn on her at a moment’s notice—not just because she’s an Indian, but because she’s also a woman. This keeps her ever alert. She is often taciturn, speaking only when she has important information to relay.

Character Sheet

Julius Rhodes

Image from iStock Photos

While Julius Rhodes was serving with the Union his parents, wife, and child were casualties of the Dakota War of 1862. After the Civil War, Julius drifted, performing services as a horseshoer and blacksmith. His travels brought him to Virginia City where he was hired by the ailing Charles Gowain to keep the business afloat. Julius purchased the operation and renamed it to Rhodes Horseshoes upon Gowain’s death. Alder Gulch is home to a number of ex-Confederates and Confederate sympathizers and only a small population of African Americans, but Julius is a respected member of the community and is considered a close friend to Crispin Gragg, the city’s “sheriff” and is a ranking member of the Shining Citizens Vigilantes.

Julius has a strong sense of right and wrong and is not afraid to stand up or speak his mind. While this has led to trouble, he’s a capable fighter and very good with his rifle—and also isn’t afraid to use those skills to get back out of trouble.

Character Sheet

Levi Richmond

Image from Reenactment by Lormet

Levi Richmond was a corporal in the Confederate Calvary and served under Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler during the Battle of Chickamauga. After the war, Levi was pardoned; he had never owned slaves nor acted ungentlemanly during the war. Levi decided not to return to the sparsely populated Unicoi Mountains and instead followed the scent of gold to Alder Gulch, where he heard Confederates were often supported. Levi managed to purchase a small claim which doesn’t make him rich, but continues to prove profitable enough to support him.

Growing up, Levi didn’t see much of the world. The older man was born in the Southern Appalachian Mountains with his family and neighbors were miles away. Virginia City, even with its decreasing population, is the largest city he’s ever lived in and sometimes he retreats to his claim for days or weeks, when it all just seems to busy. The 50 year old is kind and proud, never asking for a favor but always willing to lend a hand to those in need—even before being asked.

Character Sheet

Charlotte Thurman

Image from Southern Belle by Kirilee

Miss Charlotte Thurman is employed as a boys’ teacher at the Swift Fox School. Encouraged by her father at a young age, Charlotte has a passion for the natural sciences. She moved from Philadelphia not only for her vocation but to research and study the flora and fauna of the Alder Gulch region.

Miss Thurman has no qualms about getting dirty or acquiring scrapes in the name of science. Her curiosity of the natural world may seem un-ladylike or less than dignified, but she believes any scorn by “proper society” will be worth it if it leads to discovery. Her employer, Eleanore Swift, does not disagree with Charlotte’s attitude—so long as she keeps a dignified demeanor while teaching.

Character Sheet